Design Details

Thoughts on curating beautiful spaces and living well.

How Colour Can Be Timeless
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

How Colour Can Be Timeless

Are you afraid to inject colour into your space for fear it may date quickly? I would actually argue the opposite may be true.
If your home is designed well in its entirety, with harmony between all the spaces, you can most certainly inject some colour, any colour, for a long time.

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Warm Weather Refresh
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

Warm Weather Refresh

Summer is almost here!

This is a great time not only for a good spring/summer clean but also a few fun updates to welcome the warmer weather.

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Better Sleep Month
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

Better Sleep Month

More and more we know that sleep is critical to good health and longevity. Not only are you a better version of yourself when rested, but you are also preserving your brain health and physical health.
Now why is it we underestimate the value of a beautifully finished and well functioning bedroom to sleep in?

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Elevate Your Laundry Room
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

Elevate Your Laundry Room

National laundry day is April 15 so I thought it fitting to talk about ways to elevate your laundry room.

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Virtual Design
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

Virtual Design

There is an impression out there that e-design or virtual design is an inexpensive offering or a way to minimize design investment. In reality, it is just a different way of working. As with in-person full service projects, the same research and design process is undertaken to deliver a comprehensive design presentation, including 3D renderings of the proposed space.

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Mixing Metals
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

Mixing Metals

One way to inject timelessness in a space is to mix the metals. I am often asked by clients if a particular metal finish is ‘in fashion’. A good example of this is warm burnished brass which is popular now. Though it happens to be popular today, it is a metal finish that has been around forever, centuries in fact!

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Seven shades of white
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

Seven shades of white

… There are hundreds of white colours that have varying undertones that can make or break a space design. Picking the right one can be very challenging. Here are seven Yassein Interior projects that each feature a different white paint from Benjamin Moore …

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Purge Before Starting to Design
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

Purge Before Starting to Design

Let’s face it… we all enjoy instant gratification. Designing our spaces is no different… it is incredibly difficult to resist the temptation to jump in and start looking at all the new elements you can bring into your space. But I believe this is exactly the right moment to pause…

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The Power of Decor
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

The Power of Decor

The power of decor is often underestimated. Whether it is a small update or a complete renovation, unless you plan out and execute the decor portion of the project, your room or home will not give you the feeling you desire. Of course, if what you desire is an empty space then that’s a different blog topic!

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Selecting a paint colour for your room
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

Selecting a paint colour for your room

One of the most common mistakes people make is selecting a paint colour first and then trying to decorate around it. The paint colour is the last thing you should select! Think about putting together a woman’s clothing outfit. Would you select lipstick first and then go shopping to find the outfit, shoes and accessories? Of course, not. The same is true when decorating your home.

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How to select artwork for your space
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

How to select artwork for your space

As much as furniture and lighting are important, art gives a space soul. It should be meaningful to you. Everytime you enter your room you should love what you see. If you can afford original art, you won’t regret it! You will keep it forever, and likely move it from room to room over time.

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Matching your personal style with the style of your home
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

Matching your personal style with the style of your home

I think to live fully and happily, you need to be comfortable in your home. This means living authentically in your home. If your home supports you in the way it should, it will contribute to your well being and to living comfortably in your skin.

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How to choose an area rug.
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

How to choose an area rug.

An area rug is often a great starting point for a room design. Not only can it help define a space within an open concept area, but it can also add interest, colour inspiration and sound absorption. In many cases, however, people purchase a rug that is too small, which in turn makes the room itself look a lot smaller.

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Three keys to great lighting
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

Three keys to great lighting

One of my favourite design activities is choosing great lighting. It can make or break a room and usually comes down to layering, scale and consistency.

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How to design a front entry.
Gaddah Yassein Gaddah Yassein

How to design a front entry.

Now that you’ve chosen an amazing front door for your home (see our blog post from August 4, 2021), you need to continue your warm welcome to your friends and family as they enter your home! This is a space that not only needs to be very functional, but also beautiful. It should give a hint of what’s to come in the rest of your house.

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How to choose a coffee table.
David Chaloner David Chaloner

How to choose a coffee table.

Much like area rugs, people often purchase coffee tables that are too small for their space. In terms of overall size, a good rule of thumb would be to aim for two thirds of the size of your sofa, with the caveat that it also depends on what else is in the room.

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How to choose a front door.
David Chaloner David Chaloner

How to choose a front door.

It goes without saying that your front door is important! It is the first impression of your home, ahead of entering.

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