How We Select Timeless Hardwood Flooring

Feb 14, 2025

Often people struggle with making the big design decisions that set the tone for their whole home. In particular, selecting flooring can be particularly daunting. It is, after all, usually a significant surface area; so getting it right matters!

Interior design trends come and go. Some trends are readily obvious, like a certain colour or specific decor items like curvy furniture versus more linear lines. On a wee tangent though, curves aren’t going anywhere for the time being :) and we’re not sad about that.

When it comes to hardwood flooring, however, simply following the latest trends can be a risky approach. When we evaluate a space for new flooring, we always strive to minimize the number of changes of flooring surface throughout the space. The continuity of one type of floor instantly elevates a space. But what about the colour and tone?

We have seen more grey toned floors in the past ten years than we can stomach. When selecting a wood, or wood-look floor (like vinyl plank or porcelain) for a project, we typically stick to natural tones of wood. This approach will have the best longevity. A hardwood that has been stained with a frankly grey tone, is definitely not a timeless choice. In fact it has already dated. The same can be said for a wood that has a distinct and deep red tone, like a cherry or mahogany.

In contrast, a mid-tone brown, quarter-sawn oak floor that looked great 15 years ago still looks great today. The natural brown colour, though deeper than the raw wood, has no undertone that leans grey, red or otherwise. This fact makes it very flexible and timeless.

Of course, the colour of the floor is influenced by the architecture of the home and also the feeling our client is seeking. Going a little a darker tends to be slightly more formal. For example, the ever popular white oak is gorgeous in a certain style of space. However, it is not suitable everywhere. For instance, we would never specify a pale white oak floor in a traditional formal home.

Of course, there are many other aspects we consider when selecting a hardwood, including wood species, grain, plank width and finish. But colour and tone, are two of the most important elements we consider.

There is no way to avoid the changing trends whether in home or in fashion. A floor is foundational, however, and as such is not the place to embrace a trend. Perhaps, some curvy furniture on a timeless floor may be a better option ;).

Need some guidance pulling together your dream space? Fill out a project inquiry form. We’d love to help.


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